The Best Holiday Gift for Your Family

By Burton A. Brown

We are coming to the end of a exceedingly difficult and trying year that still has an uncontrolled global pandemic with which to deal. This environment has made many things left unknown and unsolved. But there is one fact that is abundantly clear. All families need to be prepared for any unexpected events, both medically and financially. That is where our gift to you comes in.

Our gift is a Complete Estate Plan. The first question generally asked is “why do we need an estate plan?” Most folks in their 30’s or 40’s fail to understand this important need. The definitive answer is “in these uncertain times it is paramount to provide that your estate will be handled and directed in the manner you desire.” A second important reason is “if a tragedy occurs and you are without an estate plan, your family will be further burdened by an expensive, time-consuming and asset-draining probate process.” This can be avoided by introducing a strategic, written Estate Plan.

A thorough Estate Plan consists of four or five documents. They include: 1. Power-of-Attorney for all healthcare matters. 2. Power-of-Attorney for non-healthcare and/or financial matters. 3. A living will. 4. Last Will & Testament, and potentially, 5. A Living Trust. All married couples should have these important documents, to protect the appropriate spouse in an event of a death.

For a complimentary review of your individual situation please call the Law offices of Burton A. Brown or use our online intake form at We have offices in the downtown Chicago Loop and St. Charles.

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